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Coaching and Philosophy
What’s your coaching philosophy? Is it your coaching practice or strategy? Or something more fundamental? This article explores the question in depth.
Thinking Correctly Under Pressure
Thinking correctly under pressure is a big factor in playing your best when you really want to. But is it really possible to choose what you think and when?
Control The Controllables ?
Athletes are often advised to ‘control the controllables’. But maybe trying to define what is in your control and what is outside it isn’t the key question?
Mental Health in Sport
The focus on mental health in sport is welcome. But is it time for a different approach to really help coaches and players who struggle with their thoughts?
Authentic Leadership
Authentic leadership is a key factor in great coaching. But what are the main characteristics? Can you learn it, or is it something you are born with?
Evidence Based Coaching
The drive towards evidence based coaching arises from good intentions. But are there vital elements of sport for which data and statistics are irrelevant?
Understanding Team Values
We often hear about the key values which lie at the heart of authentic team culture. How do the best teams in the world foster team spirit and connection?
The Fundamentals of Coaching
The Fundamentals of Coaching are often considered in terms of what and how we coach. But perhaps there are aspects of our experience that should be understood prior to learning about tactics, techniques and theories. How do you know what you know?
What Is Mental Strength?
Mental strength or mental toughness are attributes often associated with the best athletes and sports performers. But what is it? Can you develop it, or is it something you are born with?
Team Spirit – The True Meaning
Team spirit is a vital ingredient for any successful sports club or organisation. But many coaches and players misunderstand what it is and where it comes from.
Life After Sport
What Comes After A Career in Professional Sport? By Sam Jarman and Grayson Hart - For most professional athletes, time spent playing the game they love will be the shorter of their two careers. Consideration of how life after sport might look can be the source of...
The Game of Life
The Game of Life. Article by Grayson Hart - Sport is a great analogy for this illusion we call life. We strive and compete for an outcome. We get fully immersed in the process. We love it. We hate it. We become overjoyed and depressed. But when all is said and done,...