principles for
teachers and schoolsUnderstanding where well-being and happiness really lie can be a game changer for young people.
The same is true for the teachers, coaches and staff who guide and work with them.
What is the true nature of experience?
What is the purpose of life?
These are big questions.
Maybe not ones we think about on a daily basis.

But many of us have wondered about them at some time in our lives.
Maybe in a peaceful moment of reflection when things are going well. Or at a moment of profound crisis when everything seems to be falling apart.
Despite it being a highly legitimate subject of enquiry, I don’t remember them being covered as part of my formal education.
My schooling seemed to be structured mainly around the needs and desires of a market economy. A preparation of the individuals who would go on to become consumers within it.
If any guidance was offered to young people, it was aimed primarily at helping them survive in a society based on competition.
It was assumed that mental health and well-being were by-products of being successful within the system, and therefore if you equipped people to do so, the second part would take care of itself.
Unfortunately, we know this isn’t the case.
As we move into the post-industrial world of work, it is becoming recognised that people need more than ‘hard skills’ to thrive, prosper and live happy and fulfilling lives. It could be said that understanding the true nature of the human experience is the ultimate ‘soft skill’.
What could be more important or useful than understanding who you really are, and by default, understanding your fellow men and women more fully too?
The courses we offer to students, teachers and parents point to that understanding.
The knowing of who you really are is sometimes described as the knowledge on which all other knowledge is based.
It’s hard to understand the world if you don’t know the nature of the window you are observing it through.
As teachers and parents, when we gain a deeper insight into our experience and realise our own well-being more fully, we are in a better place to guide, advise and support our students in the classroom and beyond.
Helping The Helpers
For teachers
Being a teacher in the current education system is a big enough challenge for anyone.
It can feel like the pressure is coming from all sides. From management, governors, parents, exam results, work life balance, the list goes on.
So why do you cope better on some days than others? And why do some teachers rise to the challenge, while others struggle ?
Please use the form below to request more information about our teacher training programs.
For Parents
It can be hard being a parent. Often the best you can do is to understand.
While it is sometimes difficult to appreciate what a young person might be going through or dealing with, understanding how that experience comes about is simpler than most people believe.
From a position of understanding, it is much easier to offer love, support and clarity, rather than getting drawn into the emotion of the problem as it is so easy to do.
To learn more, please get in touch.
“Sam has delivered innate health and well-being sessions to pupils, teachers and parents at our school. The feedback has been extremely positive.
He is incredibly knowledgeable in his field and talks with a passion and insight that engages the audience. The content of his work is powerful and given the time, potentially life changing to many.“
Deputy Headmaster, Gayhurst School, Buckinghamshire.
Programs For Schools

Understanding Well-Being and Performance in School Sports
This program is designed to help young people understand more about why we play.
What makes sport enjoyable, and why we sometimes stop enjoying the games we loved as children.
As coaches and teachers, we can help youngsters to see that well-being and happiness are not connected to outcomes or results, but are intrinsic and realised through play.
Understanding Exam Stress
For many young people, exams are a source of worry and feelings of stress and pressure.
We are often told that our performance can have an impact on our future well-being and success.
But is this focus on outcomes the best way of helping people rise to the challenge and realise their potential?
In this program we share the lessons we have learned from professional sport about preparation and performing when you really want to.

Get In Touch
+44 (0)7976 401 545