Understanding Team Values

Understanding Team Values

Are Your Values Valuable ? Often when we are approached by a sports club, school or business, there are references to the ‘team values’ that the organisation has decided are important for their people to embody or express. Often, coaches or leaders have a sense of...
The Fundamentals of Coaching

The Fundamentals of Coaching

The fundamentals of coaching are often thought about in terms of the basics – what to do and how to do it. But there is an elemental question that often lies unasked whenever coaching practice or strategy is considered, when a new theory, concept or piece of...
What Is Mental Strength?

What Is Mental Strength?

Much has been written and spoken about ‘mental strength,’ or mental toughness and how to coach it. It’s an attribute we are often told is required to be successful in any walk of life, from elite sport, to business, to working in an accident and emergency ward,...
Team Spirit – The True Meaning

Team Spirit – The True Meaning

As someone who has spent the last 25 years playing and coaching in an individual sport, it has been a really refreshing and rewarding experience working with other sports and being back in a team environment. Writing about this subject has brought back memories of the...
Life After Sport

Life After Sport

What Comes After A Career in Professional Sport? By Sam Jarman and Grayson Hart – For most professional athletes, time spent playing the game they love will be the shorter of their two careers. Consideration of how life after sport might look can be the source...

The Game of Life

The Game of Life.  Article by Grayson Hart –  Sport is a great analogy for this illusion we call life. We strive and compete for an outcome. We get fully immersed in the process. We love it. We hate it. We become overjoyed and depressed. But when all is said and...